Becoming a Woman of Influence
by Darcy Paape
Social media is like a modern-day radio tuned into every station at once. The noise is deafening as political, social, cultural, and even religious platforms scramble to get our attention. In the end, all that we hear is constant deafening static and continuous confusion. How can one small voice make a difference? In truth, no one person can speak into all the issues or to all the people at once. But, we all have our small corner where we can be a voice. So the question is, which corner is God is calling YOU to step into and make a difference and how do you get started?
These four insights will help you along.
1. First, We Remember Whose We Are and the Work He Has Given Us to Do.
Social media wants our attention, our commitment, probably our purchase, and definitely our constant presence. But, we were not made to be some number in an analytics report. According to the first chapter in Ephesians, we are holy, blessed, chosen, adopted, and redeemed. Therefore, a woman of influence views herself through the eyes of her Heavenly Father and looks for His approval alone. And, the truth is, we already have it!
Ephesians 2: 8-9 says that “it is by grace we have been saved through faith and not by works,” so we can stop our overachieving and rest. A woman of influence can rest in the knowledge her identity is in Christ and her place already won. You can be confident that you are uniquely designed for work that God has planned for you. Verse 10 goes on to say, “we are Christ’s workmanship” uniquely fitted for work that brings Him glory and that “he prepared beforehand,” for us to do. So, if you don’t need approval and you already are equipped for the task at hand, what are you waiting for?
2. A Woman of Influence Points to Her Heavenly Father and Her Savior.
As a redeemed child of God who knows the One she serves, you can use your unique gifts to be salt and light to a dark world. You might create something of beauty, step in and sit next to the hurting, teach a bible class, or lead a company in ethical practice. All of these vocations are ways that God can minister to our neighbor through us. As Colossians 3: 23 says, “whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord.”
3. A Woman of Influence Seeks to Lift Up Those Around Her.
Maybe as one voice you cannot push through the static and confusion, but what if your voice joined a chorus of others? A woman of influence lifts up those around her and helps them toshare their gifts. She seeks the unique talents of those around her and mentors, encourages, and equips while also providing strength and prayer. She does not just lift up people like her, but all those around her who are also trying to let their light shine. So, look for other voices like yours that also honor Christ. Then do your best to help amplify their message!
4. Women’s Leadership Institute Views Women of Influence and Leadership Differently.
It is about influence. It is about stepping in wherever God has called you to lead and to serve.
Confident, competent Christian women who confront relevant issues with courage, truth, and love. As you show up, speak out, step in, or reach out you can rest assure that “God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose, Romans 8: 28. So, as you work, you do not work alone. In other words, start somewhere and build from there.
Trust that God will bring you the help you need and teach you what you have still to learn; in order to, accomplish the work.
The Truth is Each of Us is a Woman of Influence.
Whether or not you have a following on social media is not what matters. There is only one opinion we need to listen to and His love for us is fierce and unconditional and he is more than able to amplify the message we are trying to send. So, pray, pay attention, and stay tuned to His Word. Get others involved in the work and let them help teach you and others along the way.
Then, trust that God will use you to bring Him glory! One voice isn’t much, but that changes when voices across the universe are singing the same tune. “They will know we are Christians by our love, by our love. And they will know we are Christians by our love.” The world could use a little louder version of that chorus right now. Will you join me?