WLI Student Spotlight: Serving Internationally
Get to know Grace Sugg a former WLI student worker who is serving internationally in 2024

2023 Woman of Influence Winner: Dr. Julie Gary
Dr. Julie Gary has boldly served in many avenues and her influence has reached many through her roles in the military, public health, medical research, academia and athletics. Those who have worked alongside her note that she is a humble and authentic leader; “she is loyal and trustworthy, and her faithfulness to God, family and friends is unparalleled.”

New Look. Same Christ-Centered Mission.
We are excited to share our new branding look to reflect the mission and vision of the Women’s Leadership Institute, an Institute of Concordia University Wisconsin-Ann Arbor!

2022 Woman of Influence Winner: Dr. Carol Lueders Bolwerk
Dr. Carol Lueders Bolwerk has used her profession of nursing to minister to many. Her students describe her as kind, thoughtful, a guardian angel on earth. Many have recognized her personal touch and how she goes above and beyond for those she comes into contact with.

2022 Dr. Donna J. Streufert Leadership Award Winner: Rachell Bender
The selection committee was impressed with Rachel’s understanding of leadership as a service that honors the gifts God has given to us. She not only grasps the role of vocation, recognizing that leadership and character go hand-in-hand, but she is a servant leader in how she lives her daily life.

Why Don’t We…
One day, after church, Jenny asked me the question that had no good answer. “Why don’t we have a handbell choir?”

Becoming a Woman of Influence
In truth, no one person can speak into all the issues or to all the people at once. But, we all have our small corner where we can be a voice. So the question is, which corner is God is calling YOU to step into and make a difference and how do you get started?

Christian Women in Leadership: Sarah Holtan
If you took your ego out of the equation, would you still engage in this conflict? If you “lose” the fight, can you turn the “loss” into a valuable lesson? I don’t mind a good loss. It can ease my conscience, serve others, and possibly even build some credibility and trust along the way. Ideally, it paves the way for change in the future. Sounds counter-intuitive, but that’s been my experience.

2021 Woman of Influence Winner: Beth DeJongh
The selection committee was impressed by Beth’s depth of leadership not only in her role as a professor of pharmacy, but also within her local congregation and the community. She has a wide range of expertise educating and advocating for mental health initiatives. She is a mentor, preceptor and advisor.