WLI’s Growing Together Mentoring Workshop

Let’s Grow Together

The world around us is changing rapidly, but what hasn’t changed is our need for relationships. Our Growing Together Mentoring Workshop is easy to facilitate in any size group with printable participant guides, scripted facilitator’s guide, video clips, and slide deck included.

Growing Together Mentoring Workshop- Full Access


You will receive access to all our great mentoring workshop content, including a fully scripted Facilitator Guide, printable color Participant Guide, slide decks, workshop session videos and additional activity resources.

Participants in the Growing Together Mentoring Workshop will come away with:

  • Simple, but proven listening, feedback, and critical thinking skills

  • How to use scripture as a guide as you navigate difficult topics

  • Learn to address problems with actionable steps and help others to the same

  • Opportunity to hear about the WLI Growing Together Content that can equip your congregation for fruitful conversations with one another

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Growing Together: Let Your Mentoring Skills Take Shape is a 3-part intergenerational mentoring workshop designed by the Women’s Leadership Institute (WLI) as resource material to help reframe mentoring for congregational settings. The Growing Together materials can be easily facilitated in any group setting with our video and printed guides.

    Participants will enjoy small and large group discussions, guided practice exercises, and opportunities to build confidence as they connect with others.

    Content is great for anyone looking to improve their communication skills within home, church, or work relationships.

  • Purchasing the workshop includes all the Growing Together Mentoring Workshop materials in electronic form: Facilitator and Participant Guides, Presentation Slides, and Video files and access to all the downloadable files. For an additional cost, you may also purchase printed guides and/or a flash drive of the workshop materials.

    With the purchase of the Growing Together Mentoring Workshop - FULL ACCESS plan on Mighty Networks, you will also have access to our growing community of like-minded Christian leaders in engaging conversation forums to share mentoring techniques and best practices with one another.

  • In theory, anyone could purchase the Growing Together Mentoring Workshop content, but normally it would be purchased by congregations and other ministry entities interested in reframing mentoring in their setting.

  • Congregational church workers and leaders can conduct and lead the Growing Together Mentoring Workshop. However, you can also choose to schedule a WLI-trained facilitator to lead for you.

  • Growing Together Mentoring Workshop materials may be purchased at a one-time cost of $250.00. The content you purchase is to be used by you and your congregation only.

    Thrivent Members can also use a Thrivent Action Team card to purchase the workshop or use funds received towards refreshments during the workshop.

    Facilitator cost depends on the amount of time necessary for the workshop and the amount of travel. Typical fees range from $250.00 for a 1.5-2.5 hour workshop or $350.00 for 3-4 hours or more plus the cost of travel and a place to stay if necessary.

  • With your purchase of the Growing Together Mentoring Workshop, you will receive over 12 hours of quality mentoring workshop content with facilitator script, videos, slide decks and easy-to-use participant guides. You can opt to facilitate all 12 hours of content over a retreat weekend or you can break up the content to facilitate over a series of multiple meetups.

    Our Growing Together workshop content is customizable to fit the scheduling needs of your group.

    As an example, here is how you can facilitate our popular Fostering Fruitful Conversations material from the Growing Together workshop in a 3-hour session. This makes for a great morning workshop where you can opt to serve a lunch after:


    Section One: Digging In
    5 MINS - Video 1: Digging In
    35 MINS - Opening Bible Study
    • Mentoring: Abiding and Sowing (John 15 and Parable of Sower small group interactive Bible Study or Opening Presentation on the book I wrote: Someone to Walk With: A Woman’s Guide to Mentoring. Can amend presentation for both men and women. Basic premise: Just like Jesus, we can also go out of our way to meet with someone. One conversation can make all the difference.

    Section Two: Shaping Up
    5 MINS - Video 2
    40 MINS - Listening and Asking to Shape Conversations
    • Investigate for Understanding
    • Identify Your Involvement
    • Influence the Outcome (Case Study)
    10 MINS - Break
    40 MINS - Guiding Mentees Through Problem - Solving (Case Study)
    • Involve Scripture and Prayer as Guides
    • Invest Time in a Plan (S.M.A.R.T. Goals)/ Accountability

    Section Three: Branching Out
    5 MINS - Video 3
    30 MINS - Brainstorm with Leaders

  • Facilitator cost depends on the amount of time necessary for the workshop and the amount of travel.

    Workshop Facilitator Fee:

    1-2 hour Intro Workshop - $150 Mentoring defined, why mentoring matters, introduction to the Six I’s of Mentoring.

    2.5-3 hour Mentoring Workshop - $250 Focus on fostering fruitful conversations in mentoring and other relationships, listening, and interpersonal strategies. This workshop includes: mentoring defined, why mentoring matters, detailed group activities centered on listening and problem-solving strategies as well as a brief introduction about how to involve scripture and prayer in mentoring conversations and the use of S.M.A.R.T. goals for tracking progress and accountability.

    3.5-4 hour Full Workshop - $300-$350
    Focus on fostering fruitful conversations in mentoring relationships. Full mentor toolbox training which includes: mentoring defined, why mentoring matters, detailed group activities centered on listening and problem-solving strategies as well as more detailed teaching and practice about involving scripture and prayer and the use of S.M.A.R.T. Goals in mentoring conversations. (Some content can be shortened or exchanged to make room for either a bible study on “Abiding” and “Sowing” or a short workshop hands-on session about discovering and sharing faith stories).

    4-6 hour Weekend Retreat - $450 commitment of 4-6 hours of content and facilitator time over more than one day including all above-mentioned content.

    Travel and housing will be discussed and charged separately during the facilitator consult.

    If you are unsure of which format meets the needs of your setting, please e-mail wli@cuw.edu or call the WLI office at 262-243-2300 before purchasing.

  • The facilitator fee includes:

    • 1-2 phone consultations with a trained and WLI-endorsed facilitator that will tailor the workshop and content to your ministry or workplace setting
    • Facilitator presence and engagement for the time agreed upon at purchase
    • Interactive lessons and guided practice
    • At times ministry specific mentoring case studies will be tailored specifically to the context
    • Opportunity to contract the facilitator for future training and coaching sessions

    The facilitator fee does not include:
    • Course content is to be purchased separately
    • Travel and housing reimbursement or arrangements

Meet the Facilitators

  • Jill Jones

  • Darcy Paape

  • Beckie Kruse

  • Tiffany Rydwelski